Mahalo to Everyone That Makes It Possible!
On behalf of the Hale'iwa Arts Festival we extend our gratitude and warmest mahalo to all of our members and sponsors. Mahalo also to the many individuals, families and businesses who have donated their time, money and resources to our Progressive Dinner, our other special events, this Twelfth Annual Summer Event, and to the ongoing development of our community arts and education projects.
Your generosity allows us to continue to grow and accomplish our goals, and to perpetuate our mission statement. Your belief in education and the arts means the Hale'iwa Arts Festival will be able to contribute to our community in ways that cannot easily be measured, but will be seen, heard and felt for many years and generations to come.
Gold Sponsor:
Kamehameha Schools
Major Sponsors:
Aoki's Shave Ice
Catchworld Web Design
City and County of Honolulu Economic Development Office
Department of Parks & Recreation City and County of Honolulu
Haleiwa Joe's Seafood Grill
Hawaii-Alaska Production Services
Hawaii Media, Inc.
Hawaii State Foundation on Culture and the Arts
Hawaii Tourism Authority Product Enrichment Program
Jameson's By the Sea
JoanWorks Events
Kokua Hawai'i Foundation
Little Guy Advertising
Longs Drug Stores
North Shore Equipment Rentals
Patti Coons Creative
Pioneer Hi-Bred Int'l, Inc.
Pizza Bob's
Rosie's Cantina
Team Real Estate
Turtle Bay Resort Golf Club
Members, Donors, and Acknowledgments:
Marianne Abrigo
Abrigo Ohana
All Progressive Dinner Attendees
Ala Almeida
Diane Anderson
Pam Anderson
Aoki's Shave Ice
Bonnie and Bill Archer
Karen Archibald
Gabe Balthazar
Linda Bard
J. Forest Ocean Bennett
Dru Bjorn
Lynne Boyer
David Bramlett
Lee Bryant
Casey Cameron
Margie Cameron
Luann Casey
Castle High School Performing Arts Center
Emily Catey
Celtic Pipes and Drums
Celtic Waves
Robin Cherry
City and County of Honolulu Economic Development Office
All the Volunteers for Cool Stuff to Buy
Patti Coons
Contra Dnacers of Hawaii
MSgt. Richard Corey
Gabby Corey
John Critchfield
Custom Audio
Clara Dalzell
Duncan Dalzell
Shelly R. Dalzell
Norma Dela Pena
Connie and Edward Depew
All the Volunteers for Demonstrations
Department of Parks and Recreation, City & County of Honolulu
Edwin Ebisui
Kathleen Ells
Michelle Elmore
Caitilin and Frank Embree
Employees of:
Rosie's Cantina,
Pizza Bob's,
Aoki's Shave Ice,
Hale'iwa Joe's,
Alicia Esche
Laura Figueira
Jef Fleener
Janet Foytich
Kalei Gamiao
Lyra Georgio
Margo Goodwill
Gary Gunder
Hale'iwa Historic Preservation Committee
Hale'iwa Joe's Seafood Grill
Matt Hall
JR Harris
David and Shizuko Hartness
The Ukulele Haumana Sunset Beach Elementary School
Hawaii Media, Inc.
Hawaii Opera Theatre Ensemble
Hawaii Stage & Lighting
Hawaii Tourism Authority Product Enrichment Program
Darlene and Jerome Heck
Ilona Hemperly
Jameson's By The Sea
SSgt Stephanie Johnson
George Kaiwi
Brandon Kamauoha
La'akea Kamauoha
Maylani Kamauoha
Tory Kamauoha
All the Volunteers for Keiki Activities
Colleen Kelleher
Mary Lou and Bert Kobayashi
Kua 'Aina Plantation
Kokua Hawaii Foundaation
Janet Larrucea
Gwen Lavarias
Eric LeBuse
Agnes Leinau
Lindsey Leinau
Mary J. Lewis
Gail Lindstrom
Little Guy Advertising
Lenora Lorenzo
Claudia and Jay Marr
Tina Markel and her Keiki Crew
Jill Martinson
Marilyn Martinson
Mayor's Office, City and County of Honolulu
Our Print, Radio, TV, Media Supporters
Karen Meyer
Antya Miller
Tony Morelock and Friends
Brigitte Moss
Na Leo Nahenahe 'O Na Kupuna
Scott Naleimaile
Lyn Nanni
Chet Naylor
Na Wahine 'O Ka Hula Maika Pu'u Wai
North Shore Chamber of Commerce
North Shore Equipment Rentals
North Shore School of Music
Angela Orris
Charlene Pacheco
Pacific Handcrafters' Guild
Kathleen Pahinui
Peggy and Bill Paty
Pioneer Hi-Bred Int'l, Inc.
Pizza Bob's
All of our Individual Performing Artists
Kirt Pruyn
Jo and Jip Pruden
Sherry Rickey
Gil Riviere
Rosie's Cantina
Julie Schaper
Otis Schaper
Ames Scott
SeaRay Jazz Quartet
Shadiya and the Habibi Hawaii Ensemble
Elizabeth Shipton
Pura Stephen
Tonga Stimson
Gwynne Stormont
Mike Souza, Diamond Head Distributors
Terry Souza
Barbara Sumida
Gordon Svec
John Swim
Team Hickam, Hawaii Top Three
Team Real Estate
Karen Turner
Turtle Bay Resort Golf Club
Vera Van Verst
All the US Air Force Volunteers
Kathy Vega
All our Individual Visual Artists
Students of Waialua High and Intermediate School
Waimea Falls Grill
Dorothy and Roger Williams
Russell Won and Friends
Linda Yadao
David Youngblood
Our warmest mahalo goes out to all of our members, the participating visual artists, performing artists, community groups, and unlisted volunteers, without whom you would not be enjoying this special event. All of these people and organizations have generously provided support, through their resources, time and energy, and all share their love for the arts for the betterment of our communities.